
Below is our schedule and calendar for each event. We will try to keep them on a 4 week rotation each month. The events will take place during the school year. Our first meeting on January 9th will be an informational meeting. We ask that kids, parents, elders, and anyone else that would like more information attend.

Upcoming Schedule- We will begin on February 6th, please be sure to check the calendar!

February 6th - Song Leading. Learn the basics about music, leading singing, preparing for singing, and anything else to help you better be prepared to lead singing in Worship, a Ladies' Day, or any event.

February 13th- Scripture Reading. Reading the Word of God is more than just reading words on a page. Learn the basics of preparing for your reading, executing the reading, and the best things to do so that you are prepared.

February 20th - Sermon Delivery (men) / Speech (women). Whether you have preached 0 or 100 sermons, this will help hone your skills as a speaker, and show you how best to study and prepare to share the Word of God.

February 27th - Bible Bowl - Studying the book of Genesis to gain a better understanding of creating, Noah's Ark, and other things that happen in the first book of the Bible!